Knightsbridge Neckwear returns to the fold

One of our valued customers, Knightsbridge Neckwear, has brought their website back to us after a year away. Knightsbridge, a producer of luxury neckwear based in Melmerby near Ripon, have been a long-standing customer.
However, just over a year ago, the owner of Knightsbridge Neckwear decided to have a new website created by a high-end Leeds-based design agency. The agency had worked for other big brands such as Morrisson’s, Duck and Cover, Viyella and Monsoon and promised big things for Knightsbridge.
The client was not unsatisfied with our work – far from it – but he had decided to go with an Agency who had contributed to the success of several major retailers.
However, the agencies promises unfortunately fell short of what they delivered. I won’t go into too much detail, but suffice it to say that they didn’t give value for money in terms of increased sales.
This lead to our former client asking if we would host and maintain their new website for them once again. Of course, we agreed, as we don’t like to let any of our clients down. Knightsbridge’s new website now resides on our server, and we will be undertaking a programme of promotion and optimisation to give our client and increase in sales. On a personal note, we’re very glad that this client has come back to the fold!
Knightsbridge provide luxury neckwear including: ties, cravats, scarves, bow ties and braces in a range of designs and materials, including silk.
The website itself can be seen here: